Welcome fellow exercise fanatics and those who are looking for a healthier lifestyle. I would like to share my experiences and knowledge with you, so that you can better your body and life. I plan to provide great workouts to use, as well as posting my own and keeping track of my progress. I will compare exercises that work better than another, and talk about some of my favorite exercises. I will review supplements that I use or have used in order for others to make the right decision on what supplements they should implement in their diet. I will talk about foods I love and that also are great for your body. One of the biggest parts of weightlifting and getting more muscular is maintaining the right diet for your body. I hope others will come to me with questions about what works well inside the gym and outside as well. I will give honest feedback according to what works for me. I will post a few times per week, however if interacted with I will post more. I hope to see others educated in fitness to give me their thoughts on my ideas.
I would like to use this blog as an outlet for fitness knowledge. I will give simple tips and tricks that can make lifts easier, or that are simply useful in the gym. Exercise should be important in everyone's life. It will reduce stress, improve self-esteem and confidence. I am blogging about this subject because I want to see the world become more active. Less fast food, less obesity, and less laziness. It is important to me that everyone takes their body seriously and treat it with respect. I have grown to love this lifestyle ever since I first started getting results and people started noticing i wasn't just that skinny guy anymore. I wish I could have had someone push me into it earlier in my life. If I could get anything out of this blog I just hope I can inspire at least one person to start exercising and change their life forever.